Mme Isabelle Broutin

Research Director – Deputy Director of CiTCoM Laboratory – Group leader CNRSCiTCoM
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Biographical Info

Biographical information

After a formation of physicists performed at Orsay University, France, I turned to structural biology and worked at the 3D structure determination of different proteins, like a cattle parasite serine collagenase during my PhD (1989-1993: ICSN, Gif-sur-Yvette, France), or the cellular retinoic acid binding protein (CRBP) during a postdoctoral position in Sweden (1993-1994: Pr A. Jones’ Laboratory in Uppsala). Since the beginning of my carrier at the National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS), France, I also investigate proteins involved in cellular signal transduction (Grb2, Grb14, VEGF, VEGFR, PRL, PRLR).

I took the direction of the group “Antibioresistance, signaling and membrane transport” at the university Paris Descartes in 2009, and since the creation of the University Paris Cité, I am the deputy director of the unit CiTCoM grouping structural biologists with chemists with the common goal to develop therapeutic drugs targeting human diseases considered as major health problem.

I now focus my research on membrane proteins, on transcription regulators from different bacteria, and on all the protein actors of bacterial antibiotic resistance like the tripartite efflux pumps from Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

I am member of several scientific associations: AFC (Association Française de Cristallographie), BSI (Biologie Structural Intégrative), SFBBM (Société Française de Biochimie et biologie Moléculaires), SFB (Société Française de Biophysique), GEM (Groupe d’étude des Membranes), SFM (Société Française de Microbiologie).

Research interests and competencies:

  • Structural biology of membrane proteins
  • Bacterial antibiotic resistance
    • RND transporters, efflux pumps
    • transcription regulators
  • Motion and structural transition in proteins
  • Model of gain-of-function mutants

Scientific animation

  • Member of the organization committee of 12 scientific manifestations:
    The “4th meeting of IMTCE” (Paris, 2013); the annual SOLEIL users’ meeting (Gif sur Yvette, 2014-2017); the Groupe d’Etude des Membranes (GEM) meetings (2017 (Roscoff), 2021 (visio), 2023 (Autrans)); AFC 2018 section membranaire (Lyon); Colloque Pseudomonas 2021 (Lac de Saint-Point); the annual SFM meeting (2019 (Paris), 2023 (Rennes))
  • Member of the committee in charge of the scientific animation at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Paris, since 2020

Memberships and scientific management activities:

  • Member of 22 PhD committees comprising 2 internationals (university of Marrakech, University of Frankfurt), 6 HDR committees and 13 PhD support committees
  • Member of 12 recruitment councils since 2015
  • Member of the local scientific council (CSL) of the faculty of pharmacy (2012-2013; 2016-2022)
  • Member of the scientific direction committee of the doctoral school “Médicament, Toxicologie, Chimie, Imageries” (MTCI), University Paris Cité since 2019
  • Member of the scientific committee of the doctoral school “Complexité du vivant” Sorbonne university, Paris, since 2017
  • Member of the scientific committee for the SOLEIL synchrotron users (ORGUES) (2013-2017)
  • Member of the scientific peer review committee for SOLEIL access since 2018
  • Member of the scientific committee of the French association “groupe d’étude des membranes” GEM (2015-2023)
  • Member of the committee of the “Agents Anti-Infectieux” section from the “Société Française de Microbiologie” (SFM) since 2018
  • Member of the advisory committee of the University Paris Saclay (CCUPS) since 2022

Publications :

HAL web site Isabelle Broutin