M Mohammed Chiadmi

Maître de conférences Université Paris CitéCiTCoM
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Recherche :

• Biologie Structurale Protéine/ARN

• Complexes Proteine-Proteine et Proteine-ARN

• Proteines impliquées dans la voie de la biogenèse du ribosome

Publications sélectionnées

  • 1. Gabison L, Chopard C, Colloc’h N, Peyrot F, Castro B, El Hajji M, Altarsha M, Monard G, Chiadmi M, Prangé T. X-ray, ESR, and quantum mechanics studies unravel a spin well in the cofactor-less urate oxidase. Proteins. 2011 ;79(6):1964-76.
  • 2. Gabison L, Prangé T, Colloc’h N, El Hajji M, Castro B, Chiadmi M. Structural analysis of urate oxidase in complex with its natural substrate inhibited by cyanide : mechanistic implications. BMC Struct. Biol. 2008 ;8:32.
  • 3. Gabison L, Chiadmi M, Colloc’h N, Castro B, El Hajji M, Prangé T. Recapture of S-allantoin, the product of the two-step degradation of uric acid, by urate oxidase. FEBS Lett. 2006 ;580(8):2087-91.
  • 4. Chiadmi M, Navaza A, Miginiac-Maslow M, Jacquot JP, Cherfils J. Redox signalling in the chloroplast : structure of oxidized pea fructose-1,6-bisphosphate phosphatase. EMBO J. 1999 ;18(23):6809-15.
  • 5. Chiadmi M, Kahn R, de la Fortelle E, Fourme R. Derivation by statistical methods of phase information from multiple-wavelength anomalous diffraction data. Basic questions, « best » electron-density map, implementation and tests. Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr. 1993 ;49(Pt 6):522-9.